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Mindy Legard Larson - Becoming a Teacher of Writing in the Elementary Grades read online book EPUB, TXT, PDF


Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms nurtures teachers' identities as writers, connects to the realities of writing instruction in real and diverse classrooms, and encourages critical and creative thinking. Linking practice and theory to the fundamentals of becoming a teacher of writing, this text is about writing instruction as a journey teachers and students embark on together. The focus is on learning how to teach writing through specific teaching and learning structures found in the Writing Studio: mini-lessons; teacher and peer conferencing; guided writing; and sharing, celebrating, and broadcasting writing. Pedagogical features include teaching structures and strategies, Problematizing Practice classroom scenarios, assessment resources, and a Companion Website. Because a teacher who views him or herself as a writer is best positioned to implement the Writing Studio, four parallel texts, Becoming-writer, give readers space to consider who they are as a writer, their personal process as a writer, and who they might become as a writer., Designed for pre- and in-service K-5 teachers, this text fosters teachers' identities as writers, connects to the realities of writing instruction in real and diverse classrooms, and encourages critical and creative thinking. Linking practice and theory to the fundamentals of becoming a teacher of writing in elementary classrooms, Becoming a Teacher of Writing is about becoming-teacher --writing instruction as a journey teachers and students embark on together. In this era of educational mandates, this book would be incomplete without addressing the Common Core State Standards for Writing, including curriculum mapping and detailing a writing unit aligned with the Standards and applied in the classroom. Pedagogical features include teaching structures and strategies, "Problematizing Practice" classroom scenarios, assessment resources, and a Companion Website with videos and resources for instructors and students.

Becoming a Teacher of Writing in the Elementary Grades by Mindy Legard Larson download ebook TXT, DOC, EPUB

After covering foundational interventions for accessing positive adult states, creating internal caregivers, and working with infant and child states in Part I: Getting Started With Ego State Work, Shapiro walks readers step-by-step through a variety of specific interventions for specific problems, each ready for immediate application with clients.Practice Essentials includes carefully designed activities to help solidify every aspect of your spoken Chinese skills, including: Chinese character practice sheets.He describes how to prepare for the first ceremony and what to do in the days afterward.Includes exclusive access to the webinar "7 Principles of Freelance Writing Success" from Robert Lee Brewer, editor of Writer's Market .For courses in Writing.Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.